PROVEN Robotics

Top 4 Robotics Trends for 2022

Top 4 Robotics Trends for 2022

The robotics industry has helped create a far-reaching influence on the tech-driven world that we live in today. Especially on the business front, robotics technologies enable enterprises to optimize efficiency in a work environment without the scope of human errors interfering with operations. As per statistics released by, collaborative robots are expected to make up for 34% of all robot sales by the end of 2025. This figure attributes evidentially to the rapid growth of robotics appearances in the landscape of industries.

As we, at Proven Robotics, develop innovative robotics solutions and software for our clients, bringing to the region the latest world-class robots, we also aim to create an aura of awareness to help you decide better. Have a look at the top 5 robotics trends of 2022 that are here to find their firm ground. Read on.

Trends for 2022 that you must look out for

In a press release published by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the organization’s president was quoted saying, “Transformation for robotic automation is picking up speed across traditional and new industries.” Here are some trends that will contribute to the reimagining of robotics technologies.

  • Robots will become easier to use: The new generation of robots is armed with innovative, cutting-edge technologies that deem them easier to use. As user interfaces become more interactive and focused on improving experiences for customers, the trend of easy-to-use robots will become more prominent. Fresh user interface designs are making way for the manual guidance of robots and simple icon-driven programming. The key to developing user-friendly robots is bundling hardware advancements with easy software implementation. In today’s robotics world, industry leaders are focused on offering complete solutions, which in turn adds value to several operational aspects and saves time and effort.
  • Industry infiltration: Several new industries have either already adopted or are on the way to adopting robotics technologies as a core part of their company strategy. The primary reason behind this inclination is the wide acceptance exhibited by customers towards personalized services. With the help of robotics software solutions, companies are now able to curate not just services but also delivery as per consumer behavior and demands.
  • Digital automation-enabler: Data has become an irrefutable part of a business ecosystem in today’s world, thanks to the exponential amount of data available. To aptly use data as a valuable resource for businesses, it is essential that digital automation is brought to the forefront. In 2022, robots and robotics software solutions will be the driving force in enabling digital automation across several processes.
  • Robotics software will help employees upskill: The inclusion of software-driven robots will help employees with their overall efficiency and allow them the opportunity to upskill. In addition, companies are training their employees to collaborate with robot workers and adopt automation practices within their organizations. These learning programs can help them improve their on-job skills and create a more productive working environment.

As per IFR, the operational stock of industrial robots is constantly on the rise and averaged a 13% increase every year until 2020. Artificial intelligence combined with robotics solutions creates a technologically advanced future for employees and businesses to coexist in. As more companies incorporate robotics technologies into their workforce, the likelihood of a well-balanced workspace will also increase.

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